Georgia Child Care Resources provides resources to help those seeking information on childcare development, training opportunities, and more.
Providing services and advocacy to Georgia child care learning centers and family child care learning homes to support the developmentally appropriate growth and care, safety, and nutritional well-being of children in Georgia.
We Help You Elevate Support for Your Children
As an approved sponsor of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), GCCR provides oversight and reimbursement to our participating centers and homes.

Child care centers served
Family and group homes served
Years of Service
Approved Training
GCCR provides training approved through Bright From The Start and the Georgia Training Approval System, along with other training. We offer training and educational materials on child growth and development and on child care appropriate practices, nutrition, and safety to child care workers throughout Georgia.

Client Reviews
Satisfied Training Participant
I enjoyed this training and the training makes me just more excited about opening my center!
Satisfied Training Participant
I have so many resources now to help with my day-to-day responsibilities and to help my children and parents. This course was great!
Satisfied Training Participant