

Better Brains for Babies

Better Brains for Babies Provide families and professionals with current research-based information about the brain, early brain development, and its implications for children in…
Woman sitting on the floor with two babies in her lap while reading to them

Child Care and Parent Services

Childcare and Parent Services Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS Program — Subsidized Child Care in Georgia):  One of the responsibilities of this agency is…
three children playing with building blocks on the floor while a female teacher overlooks

Georgia Tools for Life

Georgia Tools for Life: This group’s mission is to increase access to assistive technology devices and services for Georgians of all ages through help…
smiling woman sitting on the floor with a baby in her lap and also a laptop

Great Start Georgia

Great Start Georgia website: This website is intended to offer a user-friendly portal into the Governor’s Office of Children and Families (GOCF)-sponsored /Department of…
two little girls showing a book they painted

Illinois Early Learning Project

Illinois Early Learning Project: The Illinois Early Learning Project Web site is a source of evidence-based, reliable information on early care and education for…
two little girls finger painting and showing their painted hands to the camera

Lekotek of Georgia

Lekotek of Georgia: This program will loan adapted and traditional toys to families to use at home and provides individualized support and resources. The…
little girl using an air pump to blow up a balloon

Sex Offender Registry Search

Sex Offender Registry Search: GBI allows users to search by city, zip code, and/or name to determine whether a convicted sex offender is living…
Woman in yellow sweater typing in the search bar on her laptop on a wooden desk

Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia

Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia: Nonprofit organization formed to share and advance knowledge and research about sickle cell disease and other hemoglobin abnormalities and…
3D illustration of clumps of sickle blood cells flowing through a blood vessel

“We see how early childhood experiences are so important to lifelong outcomes, how the early environment literally becomes embedded in the brain and changes its architecture.”

– Andrew S. Garner